A lot of people have showed up here looking for Lake Tahoe mysteries.
I'm guessing the search for Steven Fossett brought most. Unfortunately, he is still missing.
Fortunately, some other bloggers have chimed in on the Lake's mysteries.
First, ME, clued me in on a project "Tahoe Deep Blue", which was last heard from in 2003. A search didn't bring up anything after that. Perhaps the mission was abandoned?
Next, Ann Nony Mouse highlighted this article: DSS's ROVs see under the sea
And finally Anony Ent pointed out some video. Most interesting is the video of the sunken 1915 Steamer Tahoe.
But nothing conclusive showing any deep water dives or pictures.
But I'd like to thank those who've pointed these stories out. Even though I think you're all related to that other blogger... what's his name... oh yea, Anonymous. He's popular. I see him everywhere!
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